About Us
Husband and wife team Tim Randell CFIOSH, and Marian Randell, started Safetyboss over 20 years ago:
Tim Randell CFIOSH - Owner
Chartered Fellow of the Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (CFIOSH)
Chartered Member of the Institute of Risk Management (CMIRM)
Chartered Member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CMCIPD)
10 years, former HSE Inspector
Marian Randell - Owner
Retired Chartered Member of the Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (CMIOSH)
Our current consultancy team have expanded to include a range of highly qualified health, safety, and environmental specialists, all accredited at CMIOSH or Cert IOSH level with years of specialist knowledge and experience between them in the fields of health and safety, risk management, environmental and human relations (HR).
Likewise, all our administration team also have NEBOSH Certificate accreditation in addition to their wide range of administrative skills so that they can fully understand and support both our clients and our consultants when responding to any health and safety related query.
We are also additionally aided by several very experienced technical specialists in the health and safety field, with whom we have worked over a wide number of years and upon whom we can call if a particular specialist input is required.