Health and Safety

What is a Health and Safety Audit?
A Health and Safety audit thoroughly examines an organisations health and safety management system against a defined criteria. The audit will determine if legal compliance is being met and if not, what can be done about it.
This audit follows the Plan, Do, Check, Act model. It will determine if legislative obligations are being met, and if not, what needs to be put in place to ensure compliance.
Safetyboss can provide a specialist audit service, tailored to your needs.
Safetyboss Health and Safety Audits
We have considerable experience in undertaking audits for a wide range of clients across a broad section of industries including major PFI (private finance initiative) organisations, often at senior director level.
We will work with you to ensure the audit is well scoped and in a format that suits you.
A comprehensive list of requirements will be provided to help you prepare for the audit.
After the visit you will receive a comprehensive written report and action plan, with key recommendations and guidance on how to implement any changes required.
The Key Benefits:
Improved performance
Raised awareness and morale
Reduced accident and injury rates
Lowering operating costs and insurance premiums